10 Effective Home
Remedies For Toddler Cold
Usually a common cold lasts for up to a week or so.
1. Steam Inhalation
An easy-to-make remedy for
cold, preparing steam for inhalation is recommended. All you need are a kitchen
pot, water and towel. Just put boiled water in the pot and, cover your child’s head
with a towel, over the pot. Gently ease your child into the position for
steam inhalation. Doing this inhalation can relieve blocked nasal passages and
soothe an irritated throat. If the pot is too risky, you can use a humidifier
or sit with the child in the bathroom, with a hot shower running.
You also need to make sure your toddler is
hydrated during a condition of cold. An ideal way of doing this is to feed them
soup. Chicken soup is an old remedy for colds and coughs. It is full of
essential nutrients that can help speed up the process of recovery and it is
also known to help relieve congestion. You can also give him or her tomato
soup with a pinch of ground pepper. This will help clear a blocked nose, while
also boosting the immune system. Rich homemade soups can be helpful in speeding
up recovery.
3. Vitamin C
One of the
key essentials in your child’s battle
against the common cold is Vitamin C. This necessary
nutrient can improve your child’s immune system, which can help quicken his
or recovery from the cold. You
can make sure your toddler gets Vitamin C in its whole form in various foods,
like oranges, strawberries, carrots or grapefruit. While this is not a cure, it
can be a great way of making sure your child’s body is properly equipped to
deal with the infection.
4. Herbal Tea
This is something your little one may not be willing to have.
However, herbal teas are known to energize your child’s tired, aching, cold and
flu-ridden body. You can make a simple green, mint or chamomile tea at home and
give it once or twice a day. The hot tea can also calm and soothe a
stressed respiratory system. Another helpful medicinal tea is made using lime,
ginger and honey. This tea can soothe the nasal passages and help fight an
5. Salt Water or ready
to use Normal Saline nasal sprays or nasal drops
This remedy is proven
to be highly effective in unblocking nasal passages. Your child’s stuffy nose
can be quickly cleared up with this simple and easy-to-make solution. Just mix
together ½ teaspoon of non-iodized, salt and 8 ounces of water. Then with your
child’s head turned slightly back, gently squirt the solution into each
nostril, using a squeeze bottle Repeat this process two or three times a day to
provide your little one relief from a blocked or runny nose. Another remedy
using salt is a gargle. Mix ¼ teaspoon of non-iodized salt in 8 ounces of warm
water. Doing the gargle can help get rid of bacteria from the throat or mouth.
6. Ginger
Another tried and tested remedy for colds is ginger. For
centuries, this humble root has been used to help with the symptoms of the
common cold. The main reason is that ginger root is naturally warming and so it
improves blood circulation in the body. Because of its anti-inflammatory
qualities, it can help greatly with any swelling. It may be a difficult task to
make your little one consume ginger, but it can be immensely helpful in
speeding up recovery. Chewing on bits of the root is recommended. If this is
impossibility with your child, then make a simple tea of grated ginger root,
honey and water.
7. Garlic
The other friendly root in dealing with the common
cold, garlic is another old remedy. As it has antibacterial and antiseptic
properties, garlic can aid in boosting the immune system and preventing the
condition from worsening. You can make a tea of cloves of garlic and give
it to your toddler. Most children would shrink away from the smell and taste of
garlic. So, instead, you can use garlic oil in preparing meals. –
8. Honey
An effective remedy against colds and coughs, honey is one
more traditional way of giving relief to your little one. Getting your child to
eat should be easy, because of its sweet and appealing taste. Honey has
beneficial properties that can soothe the throat and provide relief from
coughing. It is also known to relax and aid sleeping. So, before putting your
child to bed, give him or her a teaspoon of honey or a tea with honey.
9. Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil is one more traditional remedy that
can ease your child’s suffering. When you do steam inhalation, you can add a
few drops of this essential oil to the hot water. Inhaling the vapors of the
oil can help relieve blocked nasal passages. What’s more, it’s known to have
antiseptic properties, so it can quicken the rate of your child’s recovery from
the cold.
10. Vapor Rub
While there are commercially available vapor rubs,
they usually have a petroleum base. If you want to avoid using petroleum, but
still want to use vapor rub for your child, then you can make one right at
home. Instead of petroleum jelly, you can dilute a few drops of peppermint or
eucalyptus oil in vegetable oil. Rub this mixture on your child’s feet and
chest. Dab a little under the nose, as well. The vapor rub can help ease
breathing when your child is asleep.