(Motion Sickness)Car Sickness
Motion sickness
is a mismatch between what your body and your brain is experiencing.
It's experienced when the central
nervous system receives conflicting information from the inner ear, eyes, and
both the pressure and sensory receptors, found in our joints, muscles, and
spine. Our sense of balance is controlled by the interaction of these systems.
"In motion sickness the
fluids of the inner ear are moving along with you in the moving vehicle. The
brain is interpreting that movement, instead of saying 'yes you are in a moving
car,' it's interpreting it as an incorrect stimulus,"
Having car sickness that's bothering
you from a nice, sickness-free, cool family vacation? These tips can tell you
how to not get car sickness to enjoy a nice, sickness-free cool family
vacation! Motion sickness is caused when the brain receives conflicting
messages. These are called "motion messages", which comes from the
eyes and your inner ear. The inner ear says that you're spinning, you're
twirling, and moving. Your eyes say that your body is stationary. The brain is
confused. That's what makes us sick.
1.Try cupping your hands over the eyes before feeling ill, so you see
only the inside of the car but no motion outside the car. Make sure to keep the motion fully out of sight, as even a little
motion can cause car sickness. This can also be accomplished with motion
sickness eyewear, which blocks motion flashing by outside the car from the
field of vision.
2. Fresh Air. If a child is queasy, open the window and get
fresh air. Don't smoke, or put in strong-smelling foods or snacks!
3. Settle the
stomach. Eat
bland foods during the trip. Crackers, bread/toast, bananas, rice, are all good options. A child should feel
better if she eats a dry saltine cracker. An empty stomach is not best for
avoiding motion sickness. Just eat a light meal before traveling. Avoid greasy
and hard-to-digest foods.
4. Smooth
driving. The less
braking, the better. Make sure you stop every five minutes so your child can
get out and walk around for a few seconds.
5. Make
frequent stops. Plan enough time to stop and let your child walk around
6. Watch for
early signs of motion sickness. Make sure your child says she's feeling sick or you don't know the time
to pull over. Pay attention to her. Don't leave her alone
7. Use motion
sickness remedies-use ginger
tablets, ginger cookies, ginger candy, ginger root, ginger tea ,use lime etc
8. Sleep. By lying on your side in the back seat and
looking out a window, the conflicting messages are soon more "you're
moving" and rids you of the sick feeling.
9. Avoid Rear Seats. Now families have minivans, more kids seem to
feel the van's motion on the rear seat. Make sure your child is sitting forward
facing so they can look at the front window.
10. Divert your child mind-bring
music player, for your child to listen. Don't read, play games or anything.
Consult your doctor for
prescribing medication to reduce the sensation.
"Medication will blunt
the effects but there's no way to get rid of it!
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