Tuesday 20 May 2014

                                                     HEALTHY DIET

-Explain your child about  food pyramid.
-Encourage him to eat healthy food with this healthy food chart.
-Take a print out of this food chart and stick on your fridge(fridge magnet) 
-Healthy food will be fun this way .
-What r u waiting for !!!

- Download your healthy food chart from the link below


*Each day, check off a circle for every serving consumed per category and recieve 1 point when a category has been completed.

* Encourage your child to try new foods! They will receive 1 bonus point each day for trying something new.

* Total up the points at the end of each day. If their points for the week total 30 or more, they will recieve a reward.

* At the start of each week, decide on the reward* for your child if they achieve the goal. Choose something that will be a strong motivator for them to complete the chart.

*Make sure this is a non-food reward.

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