Monday 12 May 2014

Sleep –Best gift ever for a mother

Being a mother, especially a mother of an infant or toddler, can be exhausting. Your sleep habits are no longer your own but rather dictated by your child you want to nurture. In these situations, quality sleep recommended 7 to 9 hours becomes nearly impossible!
 Todays mother is just not a mother, she is a multifaceted women who has to be a cook, a teacher, a wife, and on top of it she has her own profession as well to look after. Donning all these roles to the best of her capacity she usually neglects herself be it personal grooming, health, or sleep.
Lack of sleep lowers cognitive flexibility—a person is less capable of switching between tasks and understanding multiple perspectives when they have a sleep debt. Sleep deprivation impacts emotional health in romantic and family relationships as well .Sleep is crucial for personal and professional success.
Make a Commitment to Self-Care this Mother’s Day.
Here are 7 ways you can increase your quality of sleep today.
1.Ways to put your baby to sleep.
 Before bedtime
 - Offer your baby the opportunity to eat or drink
 - Give your baby a warm bath.
 - Change the baby's diaper, if necessary.
 - Soothe the baby, tell or read baby a story .   
 - Rock the baby in a rocking chair or glider
    -Dress baby for bed. Be sure clothing is not too warm or cool.
    -Sometimes gently rubbing babies between the eyes, on the bridge of their nose, can relax them enough to fall asleep.
 2. Lose the stimulants- While caffeine temporarily makes us feel more awake and alert, consumption can lead to insomnia, irritability, and disturbed sleep. For better sleep, keep your caffeine intake at a moderate level.
3. Build a good sleep environment- Create the best environment for sleep by keeping the room cool and dark; it should be a relaxing place without distractions like TVs.
4. Unplug- It can be tempting to browse the Internet and catch up on email when you’re waiting for that magic moment of sleep to come.Charge your phones in another room other than your bedroom, it will help to keep you present in your bed.
5. Meditate- You don’t need to become a yogi to get these benefits. Short intentional mediation practices, 5 to 10 minutes a day, can be enough to support quality sleep.
6. Create a sleep routine- consistent implementation of the routine will signal to your body that it is time for sleep, relaxing you and inducing drowsiness.
7. Cut your afternoon naps.
8.Have a balance diet

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