Tuesday 27 May 2014

Nosebleed (epistaxis)?

 Simple first aid to stop the bleeding.
  • Sit up with your head bent forward.
  • Using your thumb and index finger, pinch the nostril for at least 8-10 minutes.
  • Breath through your mouth.
  • Ice wrapped in a towel or plastic bag can be applied to the nose, while it is being pinched, to help stop the bleeding.
  •  Don't blow your nose for at least 12-24 hours because that can dislodge the blood clot
  • It is also important to remain quiet and not talk excessively, which could cause you to inhale blood
  • Once the nosebleed has stopped, do not pick the nose or try to blow out any of the blood remaining in the nostrils. This may cause another nosebleed.
  • Do not stuff anything into the nostril

Prevention of nose bleeds
1.     Staying well hydrated, drinking plenty of water.
2.     Nasal saline sprays are also helpful.
3.     Absorbent cotton or gauze to coat the interior of the nostrils with a gel or petroleum jelly
4.     Avoid forceful nose blowing.
5.     To control nose-picking in children, keep their fingernails cut short.

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